Monday 4 July 2016


Waiting, wondering, hoping and guessing.

We sent Flossy off to her new school for a transition day. Preparation and planning has been exhaustive never the less there has, understandably, been a frisson of nerves, tension and argy bargy. We got her there with few issues this morning

It's like one of those much run WWII films with the planes being sent out on a mission, all the busyness, purpose and tension leading up to the moment of take off. Then the images of the ground crew waiting, filling in time and the helpless nervousness of waiting for the hopeful return. 

Today the clock ticked slowly, all the action happening elsewhere, knowing that all we could do was wait and hope. MrsC manned the phones, it didn't ring. As the time for her return drew close my nerves grew and time slowed.

In the WWII films the final scene sees the returning plane either skip over the tree line to do a glorious victory roll over the airfield or sees the stricken plane limp through the skies, three engines on fire, landing gear destroyed and peppered with holes. The plane half crashes to a halt with emergency services dashing to collect the wounded.

I do like my metaphors.

Still we waited for Flossy's return, the clock ticked and we waited, our tension rising to fever pitch. The outcome of today guarantee the path for the next five years but will impact on her summer and all of our summer.

Finally, she spills out of her school and....................does a victory roll.
Grinning like a Cheshire Cat she tells of this and that, goals scored, science and maths and new friends and more goals scored.

"And",  she pauses, "they sell real coke at the canteen" she grins as she tells us.

I know, I know, this is just a start, the first step of 10, 000 but I assure you its as good a start as we could hope for. 


  1. Great news but watch that coke intake, lethal stuff. Tell her Ronaldo only drinks milk and water!

  2. I think you know what her response would be!
