Monday, 29 July 2024

The Churchill Fellowship - Update 2

So, rubber is hitting the road and my first interview is arranged! Oh, it was all fun and games now it seems really real. 

I'm in a Churchill Fellowship WhatsApp group and one Fellow has already left the country, it's like a peculiar version of the Whacky Races.  

Anyway, there seems to be a lot of preparation that needs to be done. Mainly getting a clear consent form drafted up and watertight. You'd think after nearly 500 episodes of the Fostering & Adoption Podcast I'd have one in place but we've done it all on a spit and a handshake so far and there's only been one wobble and that wasn't from a guest! So, I've been in touch with the boffins at Coram and they pointed me in the right direction. 

The breaking news is that I've arranged my first interview so that's focusing the mind for sure. What are the right questions and whereas in other interviews I let the interviewees take the lead this is a new day and I need to drill down quick and get the info that I need. So, that's a new skill to grow. 

Slightly concerning is that a few leads have been open and honest that there's a dearth of support for families living with challenging and aggressive behaviour their country. Of course, this comes as no surprise but does chill my heart in terms of what I will find as I step out into the world. 

Slightly surprising is the direction that the breadcrumbs have taken me with leads growing in Germany and maybe Cambodia. Well they weren't on the list but this is the beauty of the online world. 

So, first county on my list of is Canada! 

Sunday, 14 July 2024

The Churchill Fellowship - Update no. 1

Forgive me but I thought that I'd keep up a 'Churchill update blog' to chart my plans, progress and thoughts. So, if that's nor your cup of tea then feel free to ignore. Of course, I'm happy to answer any questions or comments and if you've got any insight or contacts then please do let me know. Either comment on the blog or you can email me at

It was all fun and games and then TCF* said; 'yes'.  So, after all the forms, planning, promises and pondering the rubber appears to be hitting the road.

I've been collecting names, emails and screenshots of LinkedIn/X/Facebook posts writing them down in a fancy new notebook. I think that I'm trying to start with the end in sight and that's slowing things down. I can literally arrange and undertake video calls pretty quickly but, against my usual nature, I've pushed them back to the end of the summer.

Firstly,  I want to be sure of what I'm asking. Yes, the issue of supporting parents and carers of children with care experience** to manage children's violent or aggressive behaviour is a universal one. Or at least it appears to be but the language and how that is conceptualised differs across countries, professionals and families. I need to be sure that we're talking about the same thing. 

Secondly,  TFC were clear the report that we produce should be in a format that suits the audience that the report is intended for. It does not have to be a written report so I've decided to write a summary but to put most of it into a couple of podcasts. That creates a new challenge, I need consent forms that are up to the job, so I've linked into the helpful bods at CorumBAAF who are helping TCF. 

Finally, the thought has crossed my mind that I may struggle to find that many 'innovators, experts and shining lights on hills' in this sphere so I'm coming up with a contingency. Finding a lack of support is a finding in of itself and not without merit. 

So, that was this week, in the meantime, if you know of any international shining lights in the sphere of supporting parents and carers please do get in touch!

A new note book

* The Churchill Fellowship

** Care experienced is the focus of the TFC this year. That includes children returning to their families from Care, children in Special Guardian or Kinship arrangements or adopted children. 

Monday, 1 July 2024

I've been awarded a Churchill Fellowship!

So, what on earth does that mean? 

For several years I’ve bumped into ‘Churchill Fellows’ in different places here and there and the short answer is that the Fellowship is:        

“to connect to leading experts internationally in a fellow’s field of interest, to gain insights and knowledge and to then use that to drive positive change in the UK.”


Simple, or so it seems!?


Born from my families experience and all of the learning, studying, research etc. I’m quite comfortable with the notion that helping families/parents/carers to support and manage their children’s challenging, violent and aggressive behaviour is my ‘field of interest’. 


So, the plan is simple I am going to research support and interventions offered to adoptive, kinship and foster families that are supporting children with challenging behaviour.


Many Fellows physically take off around the world and the Fellowship encourages and funds that but I thought long and hard and decided that as much as I’d like to travel making connections and gathering information would be best served by me doing that online. Of course, my family are disappointed but it feels like the right choice given the nature of the subject and the way families are supported. 


I have to produce a report and share what I find in the spring/summer of 2025 and I’ve some creative ideas as to how that could be done and once they are firmed up I’ll let you know. 


The Churchill Fellowship has provided me with a grant so that will help me in terms of time as well as to get the message out. 


Watch this space! If you know of experts/professionals/organisations supporting families (adoptive, kinship, fostering) across the world then please do email me at

As always, many thanks to all the grown ups in my life that pushed me, picked me up, pointed me in the right direction and pushed me again. You know who you are.