Sunday, 19 June 2016

BASW Adoption Enquiry

The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) are opening an enquiry on the role of social working in regard to adoption. They want all people connected to adoption to contribute to the enquiry and the details can be found here.

Without doubt my views and perspectives have changed on almost aspects of adoption including the processes and ethics as well as the political context that influences both. Prior to adoption my views were largely informed by popular media such as the hard hitting docu-drama 'Annie' or decontextualised christian narratives. Lived and observed experience has put all that in a box and my social work training and experience has demanded that I look closer and think different.

I confess to being pleased that BASW are wanting to ask questions, they are independent of the government and authorities and I do believe that they have no agenda to peddle other than ask the questions. They are looking for views on a range of issues including adoption preparation, matching and sibling placements. All issues that I constantly see touched on by adopters on Facebook and Twitter.

Right now seems to be an appropriate time to ask questions as the universal goodness of adoption appears to be unquestioned by the powers to be or the media that prints an unending stream of  poorly  informed 'news' stories. I believe that adoption needs to evolve as society and knowledge develop and BASW are trying to ask the questions that I think we all should be asking.

I'd encourage all adopters to take part and share your views and experiences as they offer a unique perspective and they are needed and welcome*.

*I asked

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