Saturday, 12 July 2014

Faithful Servant

I know I'm a sentimental fool.

But with great sadness we say goodbye to an old friend who has travelled a long and winding road with us.
I remember the rush to choose you after the panel said 'yes', picking you from the myriad of possibilities.

I recall the head scratching and instruction reading when you first came and the nerves; the confusion; the wrestling in the car and the eventual success of fitting you into our car.

Do you remember the first journey we took with our new children, our excitement and nerves during introductions. I can still remember the challenge of getting our little man into you safe and snug.

When our little man grew bigger you were tucked away safe and sound in the garage.
Flossy and Lotty came and you answered our call. Yes, a little shabby but you faced this challenge. Others tried but they failed, to complicated & not comfy enough.

Those were the hard years, vomit, pee, poop, tears, snot, yoghurt raisins, juice, melted chocolate and ice cream to name some of your adversaries. You laughed at them all you were washable.

Then back to the garage to be forgotten.

Peanut came.

New seats were a pail imitation of your utility and simplicity. Frustrations came. If only we still had..........but..........yes, there at the back under the rubbish.

Ever the faithful you answered the call.
Though shabby and threadbare you held your cargo safe and sound and comfy.

But now your time has come to an end. Peanut has grown and Mrs C declared you redundant.

This time we are sure. Mrs C mentioned the tip.
I have been issued my orders and we will take our last drive today.

Your passing marks the end of an era.
So, well done good and faithful servant.

Ginger's Child Seat (June 1999 to July 2014)

Don't tell a soul but I'm hiding you in the garage. She'll never find you.


  1. How will you manage to throw it away?!!! I even keep old baby equipment that is broken. I have four stair gates, four car seats, three prams and so much more. My house looks like a post-apocalyptic Mothercare!

  2. I have to confess to still having 'hidden' in the eaves of our garage Buzz's pushchair, first and second car seat, and his first bed. I couldn't bare to let them go.

    1. I've 'hidded' all kinds of crap just in case, first teeth, dummys, baby bottles, those strange sack things with arms that you put babies in. As Suddenly Mummy says a post apocalyptic Mothercare

  3. Phew! Can't bare to see this go

  4. I you ask me nicely I'll show you where I hid it.

  5. The older seats are always much better than the newer ones! My mum has an attic full of things kinds of things. My little girl sleeps in the cot i slept in as a child (don't worry a new matress) when we stay at my parents as mum kept it! you never know when that carseat will come in handy again :)

    1. I have a feeling that we'll never throw this out.

  6. Wow that car seat has served your family well! 15 years and still going strong, amazing :-) #brilliantblogposts

  7. Oh wow. What a lovely post- isn't it funny how the little things can mean so much? We have a cot bed we bought for my eldest 11 years ago and in a few months my youngest will move into it. She'll be the last resident and getting rid of that will be a very sad day. I am a sentimental fool also but I see nothing wrong with that at all x x

  8. I'm with you on that. I'd keep everything if I could.
